
Catastrophe Recovery Finance Holdings Ltd



“Whyte Daimin Model” to

Transfer Catastrophe & Agriculture Ricks and for Recovery Finance

About Us

Apr 2015

Whyte Daimin Framework and Products for China’s Catastrophe Coverage (Jun 2015)

Apr 2015

Whyte DaiMin Model for ASEAN RE (Apr 2015)

Sep 2014

Use Finance Solutions Instead of Insurance and Reinsurance in China’s Catastrophe Pilot Projects (Sep 2014)

Aug 2014

Use Municipal Catastrophe Bond Solutions in China’s Catastrophe Pilot Projects (Aug 2014)

Jul 2014

New Weather Index Insurance, Cat Bond & Hedging Model For Agriculture Losses (Jul 2014)

Jun 2014

How to Finance China’s Farmers’ Income and Consumer Food Price Stability (Jun 2014)

May 2014

Catastrophe & Agriculture Reinsurance Finance in Shanghai’s Free Trade Zone (May 2014)

Apr 2014

Creating China's Catastrophe and Agricultural Reinsurance Finance Industries (Apr 2014)

Feb 2014

There Is a Way Governments Can Protect Banks too Big to Fail (Jan-Feb 2014)

Dec 2013

Can a Collapse of the Global Financial System Be Prevented? (Dec 2013)

Nov 2013

Planning for China’s Potential Economy Growth (Nov 2013)


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