Dai Min

is a Research Professor, founding partner and President of Whyte DaiMin Investments Ltd and Whyte DaiMin Reinsurance and Finance Center. She is co-author of 11 articles published in the "Insurance & Finance" columns by China State Finance Magazine and China International Business Magazine (English) She worked at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and on Wall Street and has been advising Chinese, German and the US companies and government agencies and providing development strategies since 1990. She served as Executive Chairwoman of the Bermuda - China Association, a non-profit entity promoting exchange and learning between the Bermuda international insurance and reinsurance industry and China's early stage insurance industry. During her time in office, she established "China Sub-Conference" in the prestigious "Hawksmere International Reinsurance Congress" participated by PICC, CITIC and the Insurance Deptment of China Remin University. In 2006 she initiated the China Insurance Management Leadership Training Program approved by China Insurance Regulatory Commission, sponsored by XL Capital of Bermuda, at Wharton Business School of Pennsylvania and Renmin university of China.

She was an advisor to Peking University Education Foundation and a visiting professor at Beijing Foreign Studies University. Born in Changsha, China and now resides in New York USA. She is the granddaughter of General Fengxiang Dai, a military educator in contemporary China. In 1978 she won a national competition to become a soprano at China's National Theatre and studied at the China Academy of Music and Stuttgart Opera House, Germany and studied business at the University of Texas at Austin and Harvard University Extension School. She was an independent producer for "China Business News", one of the earliest television documentaries to report China's reform and opening up.

He was a Member of the United States National Association of Insurance Commissioners' Advisory Committee Drafting the United States Model Insurance Act, Vice Chairman of the American Bar Association's Insurance Section and Co-Chairman of the American Bar Association's National Institute on International Reinsurance and Insolvency and co-editor and co-author of the American Bar Association legal textbook, International Reinsurance Collections and Insolvency. He is the author of 28 published insurance, reinsurance and finance articles listed in Appendix 1.

He has advised and represented insurance, reinsurance and finance regulators and liquidators in New York, Illinois, New Jersey, Texas, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Arizona and Price Water House Coopers in England and Bermuda. He helped pioneer the innovation of using of court approved actuarial estimation of claims that expedite insurers' and reinsurers' liquidations in Bermuda, America and other countries.

He is an insurance, reinsurance and finance columnist for China State Finance Magazine published by the Ministry of Finance and China International Business Magazine published by the Ministry of Commerce. He was an Honorary Research Professor at Peking University, Senior Adviser of The Venture Capital Center of Renmin University of China, Adjunct Professor at the Jilin University Business School, Visiting Professor teaching international reinsurance finance to graduate students at Nankai University and Guest Professor at Beijing Foreign Studies University and University of International Business and Economics.

In 2007 she co-founded and is the President of the America-China Partnership Foundation and Center for America-China Partnership. Co-author of the "Grand Strategy of US-China Relations Proposed Agreement", "US-China Relations in Obama's Administration: Facing Shared Challenges", "Moral Authority and Mankind's Future: US-China Relations in 21st Century", "New US-China Relations", "New Business strategy of China and the United States". She was co-author of columns in China Daily and "People's Daily Online English Edition" on "US-China Relations".